With a long history of over 1000 years, the shuttle-kick activity has been considered as a popular leisure fitness in many Asian countries. Similar to hacky sack, it requires motor skills in coordinating feet, knees, hips, and torso to keep a shuttlecock in the air. In this project, ShuttleKicker+ was designed as a smart shuttlecock equipped with sensors to track the progress of the activity and send the sensed data to a software for feedback and interactions.

In the first iteration, ShuttleKicker+ was implemented with audio-visual feedback according to the progress of the activity. Moreover, it provides a set of social interfaces based on persuasive mechanisms to facilitate teamwork, competition, and social recognition.

In the second iteration, we mainly looked into audio-based augmentation to the shuttle-kick activity. We mapped a set of gamified sound effects to the activity progress for a responsive and game-like exercise experience.

Besides testing with office workers as a means of fitness-boosting breaks, ShuttleKicker+ has also been evaluated with teenagers for improving their motivations in participating PE class. See the detail via the video below.

For more information of the ShuttleKicker+ project:

Ren, X., Lu, Y., Brombacher, A., and Bekker, T. Shuttlekickers: exploring social persuasions to encourage physical activities. In Proceedings of the 30th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference: Fusion!, ACM, 2016. [ pdf ]

Ren, X., Ma, Y., Lu, Y., and Brombacher, A. ShuttleKicker+: Designing gamified sonification to augment the physical leisure activity. In Extended abstracts publication of the annual symposium on computer-human interaction in play, ACM, 2017. [ pdf ]

Ma, Y., Bekker, T., Ren, X., Hu, J., and Vos, S. Effects of playful audio augmentation on teenagers' motivations in cooperative physical play. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children, ACM, 2018.